

Godzilla Birthday Card (Hallmark, 1986)

Here is another great Godzilla-themed card, this time a birthday card.  I wish I had gotten this card back in the day! It is die-cut, and features a cool image from GODZILLA 1985, which makes sense, because the card came out in 1986.  What's more, it's not one of the overused, "cliche" images, like we saw in the last greeting card.

Inside is a birthday message, with the biggest word "SMASH!" done in a "samurai" font, because Japan, and, because it was 1986.

Here is the back. I have a couple more vintage cards to come! As always, see the Vintage American Godzilla Collectibles list on the left of the page to see them all.


PETSTER GODZILLA: The Owner's Manual and Training Guide (Axlon, 1987)

I am very happy to present the "Owner's Manual and Training Guide" for the Godzilla Petster! Available nowhere online, I was able to obtain a physical copy of my own, and I've scanned it for this blog! Enjoy!  To see the Godzilla Petster, see this post!


Bubble Blowing Godzilla (Imperial Toys, 1985)

Here is a vintage item that's been on my list for a while now, and finally one in a good box, with insert, came along.  This is the famous (and sometimes infamous) Bubble [hyphen needed] Blowing Godzilla, by the masters of the quick and cheap, Imperial Toys.  
It makes you wonder why the "Godzilla Saxophone" wasn't considered!
Basically, it's as simple as, you pour Godzilla's mouth full of bubbles, and go to town. He has a gauge on one side of his neck (seen in the first photo), so you know when to stop.

One thing I had no idea about:  Godzilla has googly eyes.  GOOGLY EYES!!!
Godzilla is somewhat posable.  The legs, arms, and even the tail move around (which is surprising because you would think the tail joint would be an opportunity for a big ol' leak).  The plastic is less than sturdy, however, and I was lucky to get a completely unused example.  I don't think he would hold up to city-stomping play.

Step 1: pour soap.  Step 2: blow lovely hand-drawn, airbrushed bubbles.
Imperial was nice enough to include a supply of bubbles (they made those too, of course, along with every Parachuting Army Man that you have ever seen), "Fun Size Miracle Bubbles" to be exact.  The seller had sealed them up, so I left them that way to avoid leaking soap.

And everything fits back into the box (except for Godzilla's dignity, since he is packed upside-down).  There is even a little shelf on the box insert where the bubbles sit.

Another vintage want crossed off my list!



Here's a super-cool item: crew patches that were specially made for the folks who worked on GODZILLA KING OF THE MONSTERS! I bought these from a group that buys film props and production items in Hollywood.  Unfortunately, it appears that, as somebody was cutting off my second patch, they got a little carried away, and cut off the year!

I went through the MAKING OF hardcover book, looking for a photo of a crewperson wearing one of these, but couldn't find one.  Here is a photo from Pinterest:

Now I have to find a cool way to display my intact patch! And's at a premium these days.