

GODZILLA: MONSTER OF MONSTERS Permastruct Instructions (V.I.D. Video, c.1988)

 Here is an item that may instantly take you back to that moment of standing in your local movie rental store, looking at a wall of NES games, and trying to decide what to rent for the weekend as quickly as possible...because you parents already had picked out  OUT OF AFRICA for the 13th time and were ready to go home.

This product is called PERMASTRUCT, short of course for "permanent instructions," and that's exactly what they were, labels made to attach to the plastic cases for NES games, which meant that stores didn't have to worry about instruction manuals getting lost or destroyed. If they used clear(ish) cases, then the label was two-sided, and showed what game was housed inside.  Here is an example:

FRONT: Ah, the first Metal Gear!

And this is what was visible inside the box.

Which brings us to today's (very unusual) Godzilla item. Here is a Permastruct label for the first NES Godzilla game, GODZILLA: MONSTER OF MONSTERS (here called just GODZILLA), that is, somehow, completely unused!

Still attached to its original backing, the front image is therefore a little hard to see. It's better with a light source behind it.

And here is the back, er, front, of the label, with the condensed instructions.  That strange hole in the upper-right corner where the spacing of the text is all screwed up seemed to be on all of the other labels for other games that I looked at on Ebay, so maybe it served some purpose.  
Either way, instructions or not, this game was hard!


SHOGUN WARRIORS Promotional Iron-On with Godzilla & Rodan (Fall 1979)


While catching up on my reading, I came across this full-page ad in a Marvel Comic dated November, 1979.  The artwork (incidentally, done by Herb Trimpe) shows something that had never gotten my complete attention before, for some is a bigger look:

By sending in proofs of purchase from Shogun Warrior items, fans would receive this awesome 5" x 7" iron-on transfer, including Godzilla and Rodan! Which got me to thinking...did it exist? Did anyone ever order it? And if so, are there any unused, anywhere?!?! (This is an item that will have to be added to our Vintage Godzilla Guide for U.S. items, for sure.)

For those who weren't there, unlike today, where we just buy a T-shirt with anything we want on it, in the 1970's, you bought the IRON-ON and applied it to the T-shirt of your choice! The idea was the same, but you--or your mom--did all the work. 

Wouldn't it have been awesome to walk around sporting that shirt, and be the coolest guy you knew? 

Never let it be said that we don't take care of you around here.  The image has been scanned at 600 dpi, and painstaking trimmed out of the ad, so all you have to do is add it on the website of your choice. Which is exactly what I am going to do! Enjoy!

PLEASE NOTE: T-shirt sites will often need a PNG of a certain size, which I have added to my Google Drive here.