
The Sphinx GODZILLA GUIDES (Volumes 1-5 PDFs)

Welcome to The Sphinx Godzilla Guides.  These books present an in-depth, chronological look at all Godzilla collectibles produced in the United States, and can be used as a checklist for collectors.  This page will be the permanent home of these guides, and they will be updated regularly.

There are five different volumes that, when put together, comprise every U.S. Godzilla item from 1961 on:

Volume 1 - Vintage American Godzilla Items 1961-1998
A compendium of everything--in order--from the very first trading card in 1961. Includes bonus sections on Video Games, Unproduced Items, and even one on Notable Bootlegs. Stops at 1998.

Volume 2 - Trendmasters Godzilla Products 1994-1997
The output of the once-mighty Trendmasters was so vast, it needs a separate volume of its own. Includes the KING OF THE MONSTERS and GODZILLA WARS lines, an in-depth look at the awesome and cancelled DOOM ISLAND line, and the trading cards associated with each series.  Wherever possible and relevant, unproduced items, prototypes, and even some bootlegs are shown.

Volume 3 - American Home Video: Godzilla (and friends)
A Herculean effort, chronicling 8mm/Super 8, Betamax, CED, Laserdisc, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, UMD, VHS, DVD, and Blu-Ray, up to the present day!

Volume 4 - Chronology Of American Godzilla Comics 1976-present
There are now hundreds of Godzilla comics, from the very first promotional MEGALON comic handed out in theaters to the endless onslaught of today.

Volume 5 - Vintage Godzilla American Theatrical Promotional Items
This last volume is a little different! When completed, this guide will finish up the last remaining category of Godzilla items: promotional (non-retail) material that was produced for theaters to use.  This includes in-depth examinations of pressbooks, stills, ad slicks and molds, radio and TV spots, and whatever else may apply.  
DOWNLOAD LINK:  Stay tuned...

When Volume 5 is finally done, the user can print and assemble one huge, all-encompassing guide and visual checklist to American Godzilla collectibles (note: it may not fit in one book, just saying)!

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