

Lego Star Wars Tantive IV Diorama (2009 & 2014)

Here is my latest Lego P.O.W. (piece of work). I watched the cut scenes to the Lego Star Wars game, as well as the opening scenes of the film, and did my best to recreate it in Lego form, something I've been wanting to do since they made the army-builder set of Rebel Troopers. Anyway, I wanted to add an extra something to it, and I was contemplating buying several red lightsaber blades to use as lasers, when lo and behold, I found something that worked out even better. You know those toys that hold hundreds of plastic nails, allowing kids to make a print of their hand or face? I was in my local Wal-Mart, when my eyes landed on one of those, complete with a couple of hundred tiny reddish-pink translucent cylindrical pieces! Problem solved. And I think the Stormtrooper getting shot makes the diorama. Also, I always like to add an extra something when viewed from the other side, so I figured (pun intended), what better scene than Vader choking Captain Antilles? Anyway, here it is...

2014 UPDATE: I was to the point where I either destroyed this piece, or fixed it, so I chose the latter.  Besides fixing some little things that were bugging me, I ordered tiles for the floor (I was a beginner when I made this, and I didn't realize that painting Lego was not allowed, but I sure do now). A learning experience.

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