

Tom Lehrer Discovers Australia (1960) and Songs By Tom Lehrer (1966 remake)

POST #100: So, you have the REMAINS OF TOM LEHRER boxed set, and you also have my 5-disc remastered version of TOM LEHRER RARITIES (available on this very blog)...what else are you missing to "have it all"?

Just this. This is a 2-for-1 package made by Neilytones, which Mr. Neilytone himself was kind enough to send to me, and I indicated to him I would be sharing it with the Lehrer fans who trapse through here! If you have any of their other releases, you know that they are always excellent, and this one continues the tradition.

These are the two rarest Tom Lehrer albums out there. You can find an LP of his 1966 remake of his first album, SONGS BY TOM LEHRER, but it's never been officially released on CD, and it never will, since Mr. Lehrer considers them inferior versions of these songs, what with little lyric changes and updates he made here and there.

However, one album you will NOT find in used shops, online auctions, or bit-torrent download sites is the second part of this disc. TOM LEHRER DISCOVERS AUSTRALIA was a live album recorded just for that country, from his tour there. While the songs are pretty much the same--and half of them were included on the AMERICAN version of TOM LEHRER REVISITED*--the introductions and monologues he did especially for the very responsive Australian audiences are purely delightful, making this essential to own.
Indeed, I was going to incorporate these albums into my RARITIES set, but as they stand on their own so well, and as this is such a high-caliber release, there really was no need!

*Not to muddy the water, but the official CD release of TOM LEHRER REVISITED was the Decca one, recorded entirely at MIT. If this makes your head hurt, don't worry. With DISCOVERS AUSTRALIA, you have it all.

The good news is, these files are entirely FLAC! Link:
Tom Lehrer Discovers Australia/Songs By Tom Lehrer (stereo)


  1. Thanks so much for these, and especially for Discovers Australia.

    I know of one wonderful rarity not here that's very much worth having: the BBC one-hour Self-Biopic show.

  2. Absolutely Amazing Stuff. I've been searching for these for a while, especially the "Discovers Australia." Thank You SO Much for posting these rarities discs! Fantastic stuff!!!!!!

  3. The 'Neilytone Gooness LOSSLESS' link in this post doesn't work any more (hotfile has been permanently shut down).

    Any chance of re-uploading to another site ? :)

  4. But of course! Zippyshare has been much easier for folks to use. They have a limit, so I had to break the disc into two parts, but it's all there. Enjoy!

  5. Hi, great blog! Unfortunately it looks like the file has expired. A reupload would be much appreciated - I've been looking for this for a looong time...many thanks in advance!

  6. Could you repost this please???

  7. Enjoy it I will. Very many thanks for this from Switzerland.

  8. I'm not seeing the links. What am I doing wrong here?

  9. Couch Surfer, I just got the links re-posted. Unfortunately, there's a limit on the sharing site, which I think is 30 days, so it's a constant battle. Enjoy!!

  10. Thankyou and I will! I've been a Lehrer fan since hearing the original 10" studio recordings at my grandparents place as a kid and I did own a copy of the Australian disc at some point.

    Interesting to note: rave reviews in Sydney and Melbourne, booed off stage in Adelaide. Go figure.

    Anyway, thanks a bunch. I owe you. :)

  11. PLEASE repost the link to the Australian recordings! Been looking for them forever, and would be most grateful. THANK YOU!

  12. My goodness, I get a lot of requests for these! And I can't deny any of them...this stuff must get out there! I have re-done the links, they are in 2 parts. But act fast, because Zippy used to be 30 days, and I have no idea what the time limit is any more! Enjoy!

  13. Got 'em!! Thank you so much!!

  14. zippyfile links dead - any chance of a re-up? Got the remains of... anything more is certainly worth having.

  15. Thank you!!!!! - if you are sick of reupping it, you could use google drive to store it, and link to your blog. I've done that with my blog (which I need to update)

    Thanks again,

  16. Thank you very much for sharing this album. I've looked everywhere for a copy of 'Tom Lehrer Discovers Australia' with no success. So I was very excited to come across your blog. Unfortunately, however, it looks like the links for your download have gone down. If you get an were able to re-up this, I'd be really greatful.


  17. Tom: I am re-upping the files now. They are FLAC, which is of course a good thing, but requires that I split the files into 2 groups to re-up on Zippyshare.....the above commentor is right: I need to investigate Google Drive!

  18. I've just downloaded the files now. Thank you so much for your upload. It's great to finally have this. Having used Google drive quite a lot, I can certainly say it's worth investigating. I don't really think it's setup for public file sharing as much as sharing with a select few, so that might cause issues.

    Thanks again,

  19. Thank you for making a little bit of history available. I'd rather buy, and will if made available in the future.

  20. Thank you very much for this!! I have been a Tom Lehrer fan for many years, and was lucky enough to see the show Tomfoolery at the Seymour Centre in Sydney. However, I never knew about this recording, so it was a totally new delight for me. I'll be introducing some Sydney friends (who had never heard of him) to Tom Lehrer's songs next week. What better way than with this collection? Once again, many thanks!!

  21. Hello Sampoerna Quatrain, wow, I just discovered your site today! Very cool stuff you have here. I found out about Tom Lehrer's music in the mid seventies on the Dr. Demento show that aired Sunday nights in Los Angeles on radio station KMET. I tuned in almost every week as I enjoyed Tom's music along with the other stuff that was being played. I have since introduced Tom's music to my son who is 11 and he loves it too. Thank you very much for this collection!

  22. You're so welcome! I too grew up on Dr. Demento--both he and Lehrer are national treasures! Enjoy, and I'm glad I could help!!!

  23. Lehrer is a legend. OP is a legend. Follow the Lobachevsky advice.
