

Some of My Personal FAILs (part one)

FAIL as a meme of the Internets makes me laugh. In fact, I guess I will never get tired of it. Probably because we are all surrounded by so much FAIL in everyday life, and it just serves as some sort of philosophical reminder that we will never attain perfection.

As for my own self, I have submitted a few of my real-life encounters with FAIL to the official source, and I thought I would share them here (in no particular order of FAILness):

1) Vending Machine Card Game FAIL

This is one that I found in a deck of cards I bought out of a vending machine in a pizza parlor several years ago. What I don't know is whether I still have the game or not, someplace. This one always cracked me up, and actually predates the FAIL phenomenon.

2) Disgusting Moldy Cheese FAIL
So they open a brand-new store in my town, and I rush in to see the newness: the shiny aisles, the clean floors...and this cheese on the very front of the peg. Bleah.

3) Toy Tag FAIL
And in that SAME store, many months later, I found this in the dollar section. I noticed the other day that it has since been corrected.

4) Website Calendar FAIL

And the other day, while trying to get into a website I use at work, I was greeted with the revelation that it was indeed the year 1 B.C.

5) Action Figure FAIL
This is my particular favorite. Packaged with his mighty shield covering his other arm, we know now what Captain America has been trying to hide all these years by carrying it! The painful scorn of being born with two left hands. Word is, the new Hollywood movie is going to use CGI to portray this, as they had no luck with casting calls.
But seriously, I have heard of quality control, but this is ridiculous. Imagine your seven-year-old opening this in the backseat while you are trying to drive:
"Dad, something's wrong with his hand!"
"I'm driving; let your brother fix it!"
"Yeah, let"

1 comment:

  1. Whoa..quite the background change on the blog :)

    I love the cap is oddly unnerving.

    J-unit 1
