

Tom Lehrer Rarities Revisited - Volume 4 (Leaping Fox)

It's a funny thing.  I started this blog to upload strange or interesting records that I find at flea markets and thrift stores, and occasionally talk about collecting.  But mostly it's been a way to feature my own compilations, and in doing so, I get to correspond with lots of interesting people. 
Last Christmas, when I unleashed my remastered collection of TOM LEHRER RARITIES upon the world, little did I know that it would end up putting me in touch with Mr. Lehrer, the man, himself! (By the way, he was very happy with the discs, and I was privileged to send him a copy personally, and exchange letters with him!) My one goal was to celebrate his work, and point more people in the direction of buying it, of course.
It's been one of the most popular downloads here, and even appeared on some torrent sites for download.  And then, I got a very nice comment from a Sphinx patron, Grammarian, who shared with me an hour-long BBC special that Tom Lehrer narrated, called "Self Biopic."  It was then I knew that there would be a Volume Four.  Add to that a couple of other items that have surfaced over the last year, and you have a finished disc.
The other "new" items in question are an additional performance from "The Frost Report," and the soundtrack to the "Pollution" environmental short, made by Astrafilms, and viewable on YouTube. There are actually two versions--the first (1966) uses the original live performance of the song that was released on LP, and the second (1967) is of even more interest, since Mr. Lehrer recorded a new studio version of the song especially for the film.
 So, therefore, I think this is this year's "Christmas present to the world." I hope it is enjoyed.  And, I'll have to be sure and send Mr. Lehrer a copy! Let's hope that some more "holy grails" surface for 2012.

LINK: Tom Lehrer Rarities Volume Four
NOTE: Please see elsewhere on this very blog for other volumes, and more!


  1. I used to think I was a pretty huge Lehrer fan because I called him on the telephone once, had all his U.S. LP's and had an autographed copy of "Songs Of Tom Lehrer" hanging on my wall. You sir, have humbled me, and several other fans by digging up some Lehrer recordings we only HEARD existed. The well water is almost empty now, but you could probably squeeze out another two volumes. On your rarities Vol. Two, you included a phone call from Lehrer and Bob Claster... well, the clip comes from a ten minute interview. He appeared on the show first in '83, and the whole one-hour program is also available along with Lehrer's two thanksgiving songs he did for Garrison Keillor, they're all available for download here:

    I digitized the 1954 LP "Tom Lehrer's Song Satires" by Jack Eljan if you're interested as well, I could send you a copy.

    Also, the recording of Tom performing "Poisoning Pigeons In The Park" for 'Hey! Mr Producer' you included was from the video presentation. There were two performances of it, one filmed with the queen present on June 8th, and one recorded for the CD release the previous day. The CD is an alternate recording if you want to include that in future comps.

    Again, good work sir! Locating a prestine copy of Tom Lehrer Discovers Austraila has to be one of the best things you could have done for ANY fan of Tom Lehrer's music.

    Here is my Christmas wishlist, if anyone can locate them, it's you:
    * The remaining songs from the interview that gave us "The Subway Song"
    * The 'Voices of VISTA' interview circa 1965
    * The 1999 recording of "Trees" he recorded it from "The Remains Of Tom Lehrer" box, but for some reason it never made it. Copies ended up on promo cassettes... so it's out there!

  2. Thanks VERY much for the kind words. It's always nice to know that my efforts pay off, and folks are enjoying the discs. I still haven't recovered from Mr. Lehrer praising them!
    Thank you also for pointing me to the Bob Claster tapes, which will constitute a fifth volume in the near future! And the Garrison Keillor material...I have spent copious hours searching archives for those! I was NOT aware, however, about the CD version on "Hey! Mr. Producer" being different, so I will get to work on that one as well!
    I have the same wishlist that you do, and rest assured that I am ever-vigilant, always searching and emailing random strangers, and turning over every rock that I find. It should be do-able, and I have high hopes!
    Take care, and happy holidays to you!

  3. Thanks so much for the work you do, and I'm thrilled to hear that Mr. Lehrer approves.

    I'm glad to have been able to contribute, and I'm eagerly awaiting the next volume.
