

"Actual Wild Turkeys Recording" (WE Record, circa 1961)

I'm going to let this record speak for itself....there's not much I can really say that won't make me look like I need to be in a padded room somewhere for buying this...
What I can tell you, though, is what the PURPOSE of this record was. Apparently, there was a thing called a "Call of the Wild Record Player," made by Wightman Electronics in 1961.  This was a portable children's record player in a steel case, and only took 12 or so D batteries.  You can imagine how heavy it must've been.  The idea was, a young, intrepid explorer would haul the thing into the woods, plug in a speaker, hang it in a tree or something, and use the recordings of real animals to...well, that's where my story breaks down.  What WAS he supposed to do? Call herds of wild turkeys in to attack him? Shoot them with his Red Ryder BB gun? Train them as his own personal army and attack the schoolhouse? You've got me.  I did find some photos of the actual record player in various places, and here's what it looked like:

You have to marvel a bit.  This was the era of wood-burning kits and lawn darts....but then we have toys designed to make children sound like "T-Pain."


  1. Rockin' Jeff just found one of the records (here):

    So, I left him the link for your post -- you have the record player.

  2. I also have a few rabbits (and other small varmints) in distress records...
    You thought THESE were weird..?!
