

Another Round of Vintage Magazine Scans!

I'm about to unload a large pile of FAMOUS MONSTERS that I inherited, and I went through them one more time to find some cool pages to scan, so here they are:
Back cover to FM #180 (Jan 1982).  ESB mania still in full swing 18 months after its release.
A page from inside the same issue, where the same mania was going on!
Back cover of FM #188 (October 1982)--29 months after the film's release! Vintage Kenner goodness!
This ad ran in several issues, here from #159 (Nov 1979). "There are 3 billion people on this planet, but only 5,000 can wear this incredible creation."  Wouldn't you have been the coolest kid on the playground with this? They should have included a tablespoon of garlic powder inside each one, though.
How cool is this? FM held a contest and gave away 500 copies of Blue Oyster Cult's "Godzilla" 45 single!! (from FM #144, June 1978)

1 comment:

  1. At first, I couldn't believe anyone would pay $17.95 + $2 postage for dirt that supposedly came from Dracula's castle.
    However, on second glance, the pendant actually looked cool.

    (I know they claim there were only 5,000, but it was probably more like 50,000.)
