

Haruo Nakajima article! (Famous Monsters 145, July 1978)

Not a very good title (it's a play on the title of a Gregory Peck movie, if you don't know), but an interesting article all the same, from Famous Monsters #145.  Nakajima played the big G all through the classic run of 1954-1975, as well as many other big-name Toho monsters.  The details on the lengths he went to in his portrayal of Rodan were very interesting, and showed he was serious about his craft.  Enjoy!


  1. Teensy-weensy nit: Title is a pun on the Gregory Peck movie The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit which was about advertising. Alec Guiness' film was The man In The White Suit & was a sci-fi comedy about a man who made indestructible cloth

  2. I stand corrected! You are completely right. I am amazed at the deterioration of my memory sometimes (thanks, migraine medicines, for all the "help" you give me...)
    Thanks for pointing that out; I've corrected the post.
