

My Cantina Diorama

This year, I spent three solid months building a detailed diorama of the Mos Eisley Cantina, in scale with the relevant action figures I have been amassing since the mid-90's.  "Why," you ask? We'll leave that to the therapists to decide, but it's something I've always wanted to do.  When I was researching my cantina book (which badly needs to be updated), this goal kept moving toward the top of my list, mostly because I was inspired by the work of others.
My goal here is just to share some pictures, rather than just blather on. I wanted to include some how-to information in my next edition of the Cantina book, but it could become a separate entity in itself.  I took a lot of pictures as I went, and I plan on going into detail about my trials and tribulations, and successes and failures, because I realized that it might help somebody else in the same predicament.

I've found that there are lots of good sites on the Internets that cover various customizing and diorama techniques.
If you are so inclined, check it out! If not, carry on!

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