

Godzilla Bicycle License Plate (Marx, 1967)

Have you ever stumbled across something on Ebay, and then suddenly realized that the seller had misspelled some key words in the title? That happened to me recently with an item that is so rare, I didn't even know about its existence.
This is from a line of "license plates" for bicycles, made by the wonderful Marx company in 1967.  There were a few other (American) monsters in the line, too.  I dug around for a while, trying to find out some more information about it, and all I could find was one forum, where the possibility was discussed that the Godzilla plate wasn't even sold in the United States, as a couple of people had verified that they had seen or purchased it in Canada, as children.
It is in beautiful condition, measures 2&1/4 x 4", and as you can see in the scans, is embossed!
It would be hard for me to believe that this was even used at all, since there are no scratches, bends, or rust.  If anyone can shed any more light on this item, or if anyone purchased one in the US way back when, drop me a comment!
Oh, and before I forget, the seller misspelled both "bicycle," as well as "license" in the title, which I think had a lot to do with me snagging this beauty for $20.50! You gotta love it when that happens!

UPDATE (February 2021):
Amazingly, an UNOPENED gem turned up on Ebay, and we can now see this exact beauty in its packaged state! Photos below:

1 comment:

  1. I have one in the same condition that I bought as a kid in 1968 in the US (Pittsburgh) - This is very rare and you seldom see them anywhere...
