

Bonzo Dog Band - You Done My Brain In (longer single version)

It has been a long, long time since I had any "new" Bonzos material to discuss, and I wish this was more exciting than it turned out to be.  Have you ever had a long-standing quest get resolved, and discover that the quest was more exciting than the resolution? Twenty bucks and several years later, I'm afraid that's the case here.
I have read for years that the 45 version of this great Neil Innes song was longer on the single than on KEYNSHAM, and it is (by almost 25 seconds).  Turns out, it is artificially extended, and not even that skillfully done...there's a whooshing noise, and the beginning of the song quickly fades in again!
So, it is a unique version in that sense...the B-side, "Mr. Slater's Parrot," is identical to the album version as well.  Both are stereo.  
An oddity to add to the Bonzos collection, and another musical mystery solved.

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