

Godzilla Wars - 40th Anniversary Boxed Set (Trendmasters, 1994-5)

Remember when Godzilla was only 40 years old? It doesn't seem that long ago.  There were technically three versions of these boxed sets, and they were exclusive to Trendmasters.  Yes, the 1990's gave us two evils of the collecting world:  exclusives and repaints.  And indeed, where the first version of the boxed set had some different figures, the third is just a repaint version of this set, (which is version 2)...and in some really strange and unnecessary colors.  With an occassional exception, repaints are just dumb.
EDIT: Ok fine, I wasn't going to do this, but for completeness' sake, it will make a lot more sense if I include photos of the other two sets:
Version 1
Version 3 (these are the sort of toys that you may see once, and pass on because they are ridiculous, and then become really rare and valuable because nobody bought them.  But let's be honest: dumb is dumb.)


  1. What was version 3? I had version 2 or 3 but it was stolen

  2. Re-reading my post, I wasn't very clear, and sort of confusing, but here are the three sets:

    Set 1 - The "Godzilla King of the Monsters" version
    Set 2 - The "Godzilla Wars" version
    Set 3 - Repainted "Godzilla Wars" version in bright & weird colors.

    Hope that helps!

  3. Damn. I got version 1 when I was like 4 years old. I think Mothra was the last one to hang on and eventually I lost her too. I loved these toys.
