

One Tiny Observation About GODZILLA (2014) and the Future...

I got to rewatch GODZILLA over the weekend, and I paused the action long enough to get this screenshot, which I've been wanting to do since the film was in theaters.  I have read lots and lots of discussion about the Mothra reference on the aquarium (when Ford and his dad revisit their old house, there are overlapping pieces of masking tape on the aquarium that spell out "MOTHRA"), but I haven't heard a peep about this brief scene in Ford's classroom near the beginning of the film.  It's possible I've just missed it, but I wanted to include it here just in case.
Now that we know that Mothra, Rodan, and King Ghidorah are all up for use in the next film(s), this little allusion is even more amazing.  And speaking of, I've read comments where people suggest that these new three are going to ALL be included in the next film, and I'm not sure that was promised, exactly.  I can't lay hands on the original quote right now, but I took it to mean that they would be spread out over films, as at first a trilogy was being discussed.  And why is it that if one Hollywood film is successful, it means you get a trilogy these days? I'm not complaining, just curious.


  1. I remember seeing that, and all the butterfly stuff in the class room and thinking it was a neat "easter egg" -- I think there are some other shots of army toys and much larger dinosaur toys too.

  2. That's great. I am glad I wasn't alone in noticing that...I started to think I'd imagined it because I couldn't find anywhere that it was being discussed..!
