

Discovered: Another Alternate in the World of Godzilla Puffy Stickers (1979)

Well, if you care about this sort of stuff, this will interest you--if not, don't worry, I'm going to follow this right up with something more (or less) interesting.  My side-page called VINTAGE AMERICAN GODZILLA attempts to group all American Godzilla items into a somewhat-chronological order, and goes up to (sort of) around the time of the late 80's/early 90's, which needs to be the start of a second page, bringing it up to the present.
Anyway, there are several variations of Godzilla puffy stickers, all with no manufacturer, which is a bit suspicious.  Then, there is another version with alternate art, 3 different backers, in fact.  Add to this the above item, which I recently acquired.  It is numbered "Item #1248," whereas the others like it are numbered "1201."  What this probably means is that one of the two groups were meant for individual sale, and the other, for spinner-racks of various stickers.  From what I have seen, they tended to make separate numbers, even if the size, variety, and art of the stickers were identical.  It all gets confusing, even to see it listed out.          

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