

Godzilla Color Bromide Set: Part 9, Ghidrah the Three-Headed Monster (1964)

The hands-down winner for the "most-covered film" in the Godzilla Color Bromide Set, is Ghidrah, the Three-Headed Monster, with a whopping 36 cards.  It's clear that the folks putting the set together really loved the film--one of my personal favorites--and also had a great supply of promotional photos.  You will notice that this group also has many pseudo-duplicates; shots that at first look repeated, but really aren't, OR are simply variants, like these first cards:

This first pair are variants, in that the main difference has to do--only--with the text and copyright information.  The makers of this set were nothing if not thorough!

Same with the above pair.

This card looks like it was made from the same photo that is often used to illustrate the original "rainbow" color scheme for Ghidrah (luckily, gold was selected).

This and the next three cards start to run together, when you are quickly flipping through them.  You can see how I originally believed there was duplication in the overall set.

THIS photo should be on a real Motivational poster for TEAMWORK, and should hang in everybody's office.

I have to admit that this card almost fooled me into thinking it was from INVASION OF THE ASTRO MONSTERS (MONSTER ZERO), until I realized: hey, Mothra wasn't there!
This paste-up was also used for an American lobby card, but not in gloriously-painted color.

This action shot has a cool smear effect.

"Green sky in morning / Japan, take warning"

This and the card above it are close, but not identical.

The advent of Ghidrah (with some people who weren't there).

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