

Everything You Always Wanted To Hear On The Moog (Columbia, 1967)

Mmm, well now, I don't know about everything, but here are some things you may have, at one time,  in fact, wanted to hear on the Moog.
Or not.  This album does have some great cover art!

There was quite an upswelling of Moog LP's, once upon a time, as a trend, just like right before that, it had been sitars, everywhere sitars.  This is definitely one of them.
One thing to keep in mind about these types of albums, is that, by this time, even though the Moog had "a piano-like keyboard," as the liner notes tell us, it only had a two-note polyphony...therefore, it took a very, very long time to record this album (I believe it said 2 years in the liner notes).

It's an interesting album.  I bought a similar one on the same day, that was made up of entirely instrumental Moog versions of "Nashville country" songs, and I came away much preferring this one (although I will admit, I have never been a fan of "Bolero," and that endless song takes up the entire second side).

LINK:  Everything...............................................................................Moog (1967)

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