

The Greatest Father's Day Card, Ever

Truth be told, I often compalin that if we could get rid of Mother's Day, and other Hallmark-created holidays that require you to buy a card, I would gladly trade in Father's Day.  

I'm going to retract that statement this year.  Sunday I was given an original work of art that was a collaborative effort between my offspring.  The front of the card utilizes the image from the 40x60" USA poster for KOTM, with the text in the red box replaced to read "HE'S ALSO A DAD! WHICH IS VERY THEMATICALLY FITTING!"

But, I promised you the Greatest Father's Day Card, Ever--surely, we are close--but wait, there's more:

Inside, a three-dimensional, pop-up scene.  Baby Godzilla (holding a train, can you stand it?) jumping into his father's arms.  Flaming wreckage surrounds them.

There!  Now you have seen the Greatest Father's Day Card, Ever!

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