

Godzilla 1985 Press Kit - Part 1, The Credits (New World Pictures)

Here is the Press Kit for GODZILLA 1985.  Like Pressbooks, Press Kits can be interesting reading, because sometimes they bring up more questions than answers, as you will see in a moment.

The first few pages are "Cast" and "Credits"...(click to expand):

Then, on Page 4, we have a strange section:
Notice that two songs are highlighted here in the credits, which means they are in the film:  "Sayonara Till We Meet," (which is a Japanese song, and on my version of the soundtrack, by Futureland) which is sung by Yasuko Sawaguchi, actress in the film.  Also, something called "Godzilla," with lyrics by Linda Henrick, sung by The Star Sisters, a Dutch singing group.  As it turns out, this second song is used over the closing credits to the film in Japan (while in America, we got an edited suite of music from DEF-CON 4).  Strangely, this English one was released as a single, but apparently, in Japan only. This is also the case with the Soundtrack LP, which was released on King Records; once again, Japan only.  The English lyrics to "Godzilla" are on the back of the 45 sleeve:

So why are songs listed in the American credits that aren't in the American version of the film? It's also odd that there is a credit listed for a soundtrack album, when one wasn't available in the US, but perhaps a release was a possibility at one time, and fell through.

I point all this out because, well, of this:

There WAS an actual American single tied in with the film.  It's not widely known, and doesn't appear anywhere in the presskit, which tells you something.  Unfortunately, it sounded like this:

Yikes.  Next time, we will look at next section of the Press Kit, the Production Notes.


  1. It wouldn't surprise me if the rights somehow fell out of New World's reach, at least for a US label to release. Odd not even the Dutch side got a 45 of The Star Sisters' tune since that seemed like something I'd see happen. Oh well.

  2. Nice!!

    This is a nice obscure piece of Godzilla History, here!!

    Thanks for the Post!!
