

Edison Cylinder #8249 : U.S. Army Lancers, 3rd Figure (c.1907)

These actually aren't completely uncommon; they are around, but this is the first one I ever remember running into.  I wanted to find one for both historical and collectible reasons.  It's cool to hold in your hand and think about how far the technology has come since Edison (tirades about modern music are on hold today).

In the background, one of the new Parry Hotter Lego sets my wife was working on...sorry!
What is even better, there is a website archiving these cylinders, The UCSB Cylinder Audio Archive, in case you run across one and want to actually hear it! You can hear all 1:27 of this one here.


  1. Congrats! Thanks for the link.
    Back in 2012 Andy Schumm and His Gang recorded a wax cylinder at Bix Beiderbecke's childhood home. They play it back at the end of the video.
