

The Things That I See (Continued)

You can't make this stuff up....I wouldn't!

Also from the same thrift store:

Just because you have items you no longer need, it doesn't mean that
somebody still can't enjoy them!

And, in the "Seen on E-bay" category:

I kid you not, if you Google the old "Kung Fu" TV show, you will see that this is, in reality, David Carradine.

Here is an "expensive IP Phone FAIL":
The clock on our conference room phone was all wrong. I'd better reboot it...
....that's better! According to this, I've been dead for years.

Have you seen the new LEGO "Betrayal at Cloud City"?
I did some cheesy photoshops to a couple of scenes:

This one was set up by my youngest..., I custom built an "Ice Cream Maker Guy." What is Cloud City without him?

Finally, from a trip to Canada I took last month:

Firstly, Canada has candy that we don't have here, at least not in quite the same form...
Secondly, Canada still has Toys R Us, which I made a point to take a taxi, just to be reunited with!
Thirdly, Canada made sure that I did NOT drink any toilet water, the whole time I was there!
Congratulations, Canada, you are doing it right.

BONUS: Did you hear Pepsi has a new Michael Jackson can, that 
commemorates his famous TV commercial?
I thought that was nice!

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