

The Kaiju DVD Shelves at The Sphinx

Recently, I was re-working my DVD shelves, and adding in all of the wonderful reconstructions done by Red Menace (you really should look these up--if you don't like torrents, you can download them hassle-free at, for instance).  I figured it was a good time to take a few photos.  

It's still a pity that the second season of the Hanna-Barbera GODZILLA never got an official release. That would be a good Blu-Ray reconstruction-style project for somebody.

I just had enough room to squeeze in some American contenders.  Bonus points if you know that UNKNOWN ISLAND is a super-early example of "suitmation!"

Maybe someday I will go back and get whatever DVD's I'm missing (there's a GoodTimes KOTM, for instance), but I'm too consumed with VHS at the moment.  I'm down to the single-digits for Godzilla VHS: only 9 remaining that I know of!


  1. Whom burned the Red Menace blu-rays? Did you do it yourself?

  2. Yes, I did! You can download them at They have super-fancy artwork that you can print. Ordered blank Blu-rays and boxes from Amazon, and that's all it took! I can't recommend them enough!

  3. Do you know if Red Menace has the Rankin Bass King Kong Show available?
