

The Things That I See (continued)

In no particular order, here are some random things I've encountered in the last few months.  

First up, from Ebay, was a 1996 catalog by "Hollywood Archives" that included a few storyboards.  In the middle of them was this gem, complete with their description:

Umm...I don't remember this scene.  Or even seeing this storyboard anywhere before.  Also, I am not sure that is even what's going on here.  Moving on...

While we are on the subject of Star Wars, I've been re-reading the newspaper strips, which have been very nicely reprinted over the last year, and here is a panel from volume 2:

Poor Dengar can't catch a break.  Here's another oddity from Ebay:

Unfortunately, auctions like this one that involve deformed potato chips or particularly-burned toast have become all-too-common in today's world.  Also, it did not sell.

Here's a FAIL from Wikipedia that cracked me up.  Note the photo's caption!

This seems as good a place as any to put this photo.  My collection of Chinese "BootLego" characters continues to grow slowly.  As you can see, some are real winners (that Lego needs to make), but some just aren't.  The large Lizard was a particular disappointment, and needs to be repainted.  

Lastly, I was admiring the U.S. poster for GHIDRAH THE THREE HEADED MONSTER....did you ever notice how the artist sort of phoned in Rodan? And how he looks like a Bat-a-rang? 

Scientifically-enhanced close-up photo provided by handheld lithium-powered
telecommunication device(TM)
So, therefore, insert one time-wasting Photoshop here:

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