

Vintage Halloween Sound Effects LPs Mega-Pack!


For your enjoyment, here is some vintage Halloween fun:  vintage Halloween Effects LPs! You may have owned some of these as a kid, or if you're lucky, you still do (I have three of these in my own collection), and if you are REALLY lucky, you may even have memories of these being used in your vintage trick-or-treating! I can recall that there was always that "special" house in each neighborhood that went the extra meaning that they would not only decorate hugely, but also that they would set up their stereo speakers in the windows, and make use of one of these records, to scare the crap out of any kids brave enough to approach!

Here is what's included.  Even for the rips that weren't mine, I spent several hours cleaning them up for presenting here!

1) CHILLING, THRILLING SOUNDS OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE (1964)  Going back to a time when the D*sney name represented quality, here is one of the original LPs of its type.  Side One features a narrator presenting 10 spooky scenarios, while Side Two showcases the sound effects by themselves, for your own use.  This LP is dear to many collectors and stayed in print for years--I even own two copies, one of which (from 1973) includes a two-sided sleeve of SPOOKY PARTY HINTS, which is also included here!

2) GHOSTLY SOUNDS (Power Records, 1974)  This is one of the best in this pack, and is a great contender for blasting from your windows on Halloween! Power Records rules.

3) SOUNDS TO MAKE YOU SHIVER (Pickwick, 1974) Another really good one.  Side One is one long track called "A Night in a Haunted House," while Side Two are lots of the individual sounds used in that track, plus more!

4) MONSTER MASH SOUNDS OF TERROR (Pickwick, 1974) The actual title of this strange record is "Sounds of Terror," but the unfortunate cover layout means that it ends up in lots of places being called by the longer name.  Side One, subtitled "Famous Monsters and Ghouls" begins with the worst cover of "Monster Mash" that you've ever heard--for some reason--and then proceeds to present nine vignettes about different monsters.  [For purposes of this blog, I should point out that the King Kong one is quite interesting, and makes reference to "a prehistoric sea monster that surfaced off the coast of Japan" who "challenged" him until "the victor pounded his massive chest."  Huh.] At the flip over to Side Two, "Man's Inhumanity To Man," the album becomes "Faces of Death: The Home Game," and features some pretty gruesome re-enactments of death, an exorcism, and even a couple of left-over monsters, of which "The Incredible Giant Crab" has to be heard to be believed! A super bizarre record.

5) CHILLING, THRILLING SOUNDS OF THE HAUNTED HOUSE (1979)  Wait, didn't we just...? No, because this is a completely different version on the same label, that uses the same title! This one isn't as well-known as its counterpart, but is packed full of quality sound effects.

Enjoy! I hope that you find not only a flood of nostalgia, but also a great use for these this Halloween!


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