

Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster Ad Slick Sheet (American International, 1972)


Ordinarily there wouldn't be much to say about these vintage sheets, meaning what you can see is pretty much what it is.  But what I find weird is the way they filled leftover space on these things.  You will often see a cropped/doctored graphic, or even a photo, used to fill the space, and some of them are baffling as to what their exact use would be.  

Here is an example of what I'm talking about:

Cropping out this Godzilla required some retouching, but somebody thought it was necessary, or even useful. It leaves the end user with a filler piece that doesn't even have a movie title.  Even stranger still:

This time, somebody had to crop out Godzilla's arm to allow it to move like a paper doll would, and...poke Hedorah in the eye, like a Terry Gilliam animation.  I mean, ok, if that's what you were going for, then you succeeded.  It's pointless for me to say "and this is before the days of digital manipulation, kids," but I guess I just said it.  It's very strange.

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