

Announcing the Godzilla U.S. DVD and Blu-Ray Page! Plus Coming Attractions

A brand new sub-page has just been launched (these can be found at the left hand side of this page), called GODZILLA: AMERICAN HOME VIDEO - DVD & BLU-RAY.  This completes our cataloging of the entirety of home video releases of Godzilla and Toho kaiju films in the United States, all the way from 8mm film to Blu-Ray, and everything in between!

We screw around here at The Sphinx a lot (and we will continue to screw around; why change now?), but our main mission is to catalog all vintage Godzilla items that were ever available in the United States.  This has turned out to be lots more than I ever thought possible.  And, of course, these are always a work in progress, as new stuff is still being discovered, so feel free to send us corrections and discoveries, as lots of nice folks have done.

A reminder:  all of the home video guides are download-able as PDF books; in most cases the PDF's have more information than the pages do. You can download VHS, DVD, or Blu-Ray separately, or the whole home video guide (over 100 pages!) all at once.  I'd love to see all of our sub-pages represented as PDFs...if that were done, it would serve as one huge book representing all American Godzilla items for more than 40 years!  

We have lots of plans for the New Year around here.  The final sub-page will chronicle all of the vintage Godzilla promotional theatrical items that exist (that aren't posters or lobby cards, as that's already been done better) and launch soon.  Plus we will share another TV master tape, as previously mentioned (after we get past one hurdle), and much more--so you'll want to be here for that. And that's today's Soap Box...I feel like I should throw in an "Excelsior!" right about here!

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