

The Randolph Tapes 26S - Confidence (1986) is a bit of a tangent, but not too much, as we have talked about subliminals before around here.  It's a subject that's always fascinated me.  I don't even know what my actual opinion on it even is.  If I hadn't've seen that great Robert Culp Columbo episode as a young kid, maybe I wouldn't be fascinated with the subject.

I stumbled onto this cassette for the princely sum of one dollar, and snatched it up.  There's not a huge amount to say.  It begins with an interesting introduction, and the rest of the tape is mostly ocean sounds.  The idea is that there are positive messages underneath, which are meant to build your CONFIDENCE.  Whether it does, I can't say.  You can see examples of the messages in the scan above (in red text).  The question is: why is it better to have your subconscious mind hear the messages, rather than your conscious one?

I think the answer has to do with changing behavior, and when I look at the huge range of topics offered on other tapes (below), it makes me think people were simply looking for an easy way out.  Why try so hard to stop smoking or relate to people, when you can perhaps just program yourself to do it? This is when things start to derail for me.

I mean, really...there is actually a tape available for "HUMOR."

But all that pales in comparison to the listing for "DEVELOP E.S.P." What the...?

Develop...............E.S.P. I can't even.

About this time, my cynical mind kicks in, which thinks it would be hilarious if the same tape of ocean sounds was sold under all of these different headings.  I will say that I tried lots of different AI and de-mixer programs on these ocean sounds, trying hard to uncover exactly what is beneath them.  The closest I ever got was a buzzing sound that almost sort of sounded like words sometimes, but unfortunately was a total failure otherwise. 

As to the question about results, you can try it for yourself and see! You didn't think we'd get this far without letting you hear it, did you? Good luck. If you develop any powers, though, I would at least like a donation.

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