

GODZILLA 1985 Video Store Standee (New World Video, 1986)


We talked about this in a catch-all post about GODZILLA 1985 items, but here is a much closer look at this particular piece (since it came in the mail yesterday).  

This is a counter-top standee (I still think that word is dumb, but that's what it is) that was sent to video rental stores for the release of GODZILLA 1985.  It's made of heavy cardstock-type material, and has a leg on the back that folds out so it can stand.

This one is completely unused, and came from a video store in Texas that closed.  It is smaller than you'd think; only 13 inches tall, and just over 9 inches wide, so as not to fill up your counterspace, of course.  It reminds us of a time that home video was a big deal (it still is, to me), and was still expensive enough that people wanted to rent copies of movies instead of buy them!

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