

GODZILLA Costume And Mask ("Monster" box variant) Ben Cooper Inc., 1978


We are hard at work on a PDF version of the Godzilla lists on this blog, which, when put together, will form the ultimate guide to vintage American Godzilla items of all kinds!  In doing the research and compiling the guide, I decided to take a closer look at this "other" vintage Godzilla Halloween costume.  I knew one existed in a different box, but I figured that was merely a packaging variation.  I was wrong.

While the box is a generic (and awesome) "Monster" costume box, and the mask as far as I can tell is identical, there are several differences in the costume itself!

It's time to play "Spot the Differences."  Let's take a closer look:

1) The GODZILLA logo has been redone--on the first costume, it didn't fit, and the "A" was even cut off, behind his head.
2) The background of the costume is now green, with a scale-like pattern.
3) The copyright text is now in a different font.
4) The fire is completely different, and much more red.  The bits coming off of it are different too.
5) Upon close inspection, Godzilla has been completely done over.  Look at the dorsal plates, which were formerly rounded.  They wisely removed the red lips of the original, too.

Here is the pack-in flyer that came with this version:

What you can't see in the photos (apologies) is one of the biggest changes, to the material of the costume itself.  While the first version's lower half is made of a thin, satin-like material, the pants of the second version are made of the same vinyl material that the entire costume is, and are a much brighter red.  This change was probably made for durability, as the vinyl was more likely to hold up better for an entire night of Trick-or Treating and rampaging...but not MUCH better, as these costumes did good to make it through Halloween!

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