

Engrish With Ultraman Jack (part three)

Welllll, I haven't yet begun the third and last disc of Ultraman Jack (curse you, Marvel Lego!!!), but I still have some items to share.  First off, one that is legitimate:

Now, if a nurse ever talks to you this way, just know that you should run and find Security.  

Secondly, I have a group of screenshots that I had saved, chuckled at, and then the little man in the back of my head began waving his huge flag...the one that says, "that is probably a real and/or archaic word, and the translators and/or their software are unaware of this, and you will look extremely stupid and/or ridiculous if you pass this off as actual examples of Engrish."  (He has a flag for everything, and I'm glad for it.)

So, you can look at this as a Reader's Digest type of feature today, where we will, more than likely, learn some new words! Hooray. After all, it pays to enrich your...nevermind.

Goh is injured and in the hospital, for the 1,342nd time.  Hey, somebody slipped some Spanish in there again! Nope--from the "World English Dictionary" we learn:

sequela  (sɪˈkwiːlə)
n  , pl -lae
1. any abnormal bodily condition or disease related to or arising from a pre-existing disease
2. any complication of a disease    

Who knew? Let's try another one:

I will admit I giggled, and repeated the sentence aloud a few times.  Then I giggled some more, and vowed to use this sentence at least once during my next work day.  However, I suddenly remembered what a "sphygmometer" was, and it lost its luster:


(noun )
the pulse.

Okay, here is another one:
This also sounded funny, but alas, the World English Dictionary tells us:

eduction  (ɪˈdʌkʃən)
1. something educed
2. the act or process of educing
3. Compare induction the exhaust stroke of a steam or internal-combustion engine  


verb (used with object), e·duced, e·duc·ing. draw forth or bring out, as something potential or latent; elicit; develop.
( again).
But hey, we can still enjoy their awkward usages, as in this example:


illusory auditory perception of strange nonverbal sounds [syn: auditory hallucination]
(from Word Net, Princeton University)

Today, as we have learned, Engrish can be educational.  Use one of these words today and impress your friends!

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