

Happy Melodies From Tupperware's 1975 Happyland Jubilee

Yes, that title is a mouthful, and it's nearly longer than this entire record.
What do we have here? Well, from the best that I can tell, this is an album from Tupperware.  If you don't know what that word means, here is the short answer, courtesy of Wikipedia:  

"Tupperware is the name of a home products line that includes preparation, storage, containment, and serving products for the kitchen and home. It also includes plastic containers used to store goods and/or food."

It's generally sold through "Tupperware Parties," social events where people get together, look at the newest products, sometimes demonstrate them, and place orders.  I remember it being a big deal when I was a kid, and apparently it continues to this good day.  Into the billions of dollars, so I wish I'd invented it.
So, back to our record...I wish I could show you the cover, but this album was inside of another Tupperware sleeve (a 1976--you guessed it--Bicentennial-Themed album), and all my searching has yielded no photos.  Discogs yields fact, the listing in their database is my own doing.

Anyway, apparently, there were themes chosen for each year of Tupperware sales (we saw this in the Tupperware Flexi-Disc I posted recently).  I am guessing that each local agent (the person who would host their local party) was sent an album each year. What I am not sure of is how it was used.  Either it was meant to be played at a Tupperware party, or it was meant to be enjoyed privately at the home of the host, to "educate" them about the theme of the year.  

Either way, the results couldn't have been good. 
I really am at a loss to describe what you are (with fear and trembling) about to hear.  No amount of words, either kind or accurate, can really do it justice.  And, I say all that, and this record is less than fourteen minutes.  Shorter than one side of an average record.  You will come to think of this as a positive thing.

The greatest lyric in the whole thing is from "Lois Lane Lament":

Superman is super, super, super, yes indeed 

LINK:  Happyland (at your own risk)

1 comment:

  1. My dear,white haired granny was a Tupperware Lady back in the 70's.Try as I might, I can't envision her having a Tupperware party with "Dr. Doom" or "EvilLand" as a theme.Definitely a WTF moment here.
