

Music To Grow Plants (E.S.C., 1970)


The full title of this release is "Music To Grow Plants, Presented By Dr. George Milstein."  It's from 1970, and is actually a very rare LP.  It originally included a flyer and a packet of seeds.  I actually found mine in a remote Game Exchange for $1.99, believe it or not.

Each side is one long, unlabeled, uncredited track.  Besides just being completely wacky, this record is popular because the music is the smarmiest, most upbeat "elevator music" you've ever heard.  It gives me late-60's British vibes, and must subconsciously remind me of some shows or movies.  I haven't quite put my finger on it yet.

There is one further point to mention.  In between each song (and also during), there is a shrill, high-pitched electronic tone.  I figured this had something to do with the concept, and sure enough, the back of the jacket tells us this:

So, since plants don't have ears, I suppose the theory is that different vibrations can have effects on them.  I wonder if this theory continued to be studied, or was considered a...botanical outlier (use that phrase in a sentence today at work, and earn extra points!).  We know this sort of theory has merit, because of two reasons:  first, they used to play horrible pop music incessantly to break prisoners of war, and secondly, they do that to me every time I go into a retail store or Five Below.

This tone will pop up and become obvious at various times in this recording, and it dawned on me this morning that it could probably be removed using Audacity (which is a free program), which has a great capability for removing unwanted levels of sounds, and works well for rumble or hiss when cleaning up recordings.  

Or, hey! You may even want to try playing this record repeatedly as intended, and see if your own houseplants respond.  All our bread molded, so I had to stop.

LINK: Music To Grow Plants

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