

Harry Lorayne's INSTANT MEMORY COURSE (Pickwick International, 1961)


In the beginning of the 1960's, giant floating head was visual shorthand that you were about to learn something.  I think it had something to do with the target audience having seen THE WIZARD OF OZ a lot as kids.  For my generation, it was a glowing airbrushed grid that receded into the distance, which was on the front of most schoolbooks, Trapper Keepers, and anywhere else it could possibly be crammed.

But I'm way off the subject already.  This blog often has quite an educational--no, let's use the word useful--component to it, and here is yet another thing that will be practical to your everyday lives.  Behold:  the INSTANT MEMORY COURSE.

Sometimes, I find these things, intending to joke about them or use them as samples, and upon further investigation, completely change my mind.  I mean, I'm not passing up a record like this when I flip past it...however, it's actually very good.  I have a book from this era on this very same subject (probably even written by Mr. Lorayne, come to think of it), and I can tell you that these tactics work, and work well.  I was very lucky that the booklet was also included with my copy, which of course I've included here in the download.  Unfortunately--and this time, I really am not intending to make a bad pun here--I kind of "forgot" about these principles over time.  Listening to this record made me think I need to start using them again.  Try it for yourself, and see.  


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