

Nu-Card "Horror Monster Series" - #74, The Mysterians (1961)


Today, here is another in the beloved Nu-Card "Horror Monster Series" from 1961, featuring a cool painting of Moguera from THE MYSTERIANS.  You can see more of the artwork (and in color) on one of the American lobby cards for the film:

Incidentally, the robot's name did not originally have the "U" in it.  You started to see this more in the Heisei era, when the robot's name became an acronym that used the letter.  As it turns out, "Mogera" is a genus of mammals in the mole family, which further highlights his digging capabilities, I guess! [NOTE: I am told that the Japanese word for "mole" is also Mogera, so there you go.]

And now, the dreaded terrible joke on the back of the card:

I started to apologize in advance, but decided to go with "better to ask for forgiveness than permission."  Let's bring this back to the subject: I think that's supposed to be Mogera in the artwork on the back of the card...kinda sorta.

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