Here's a cool item I recently bought from a nice Ebay seller. These are ad slicks, which are/were glossy pages used to reproduce art for newspaper ads, and in some places are still used today. All of these are dated 1976, and are for a children's matinee series from American International Pictures, who was squeezing every penny they could from the films they still held rights to! The sheets are 11 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches, and have four ads to a page. They were a bit tricky to scan, but I got the job done. The films I bought ad slicks for are GODZILLA VS. THE THING, GODZILLA VS. THE SMOG MONSTER, YOG: MONSTER FROM SPACE (not Godzilla, but another Toho classic), and my personal favorite film of all time, DESTROY ALL MONSTERS. I think it's interesting how they changed the art around for the different sizes, and even changed the text to keep it interesting. These are definitely unique ads, and not what you usually see for these films. If you want to download full-size scans of all 16 ads, a link is provided below! [Link is updated!]
Is there any chance we could get a new link for this download? I was going through your site and stumbled on this older post. Thank You
The link is updated! Thanks for pointing that out!
Thank you!
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